The Spanish striker has been a mainstay of the Old Trafford lineup for a long time, and his transfer to the Parisians will be a big blow to the Red Devils.
At the moment, the club is in the middle of the relegation zone, and the situation is very serious. The team has a lot of tasks ahead of it, and it can hardly hope to win the championship this season.
The transfer of the Spanish star was a real surprise for many fans, as he was not even on the list of the most expensive players. However, the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo was a great success for the club.
It is worth noting that the Portuguese has already scored a lot for the team, and he has already managed to score a goal in each of the first three rounds.
This transfer is a good sign that the Red devils are moving forward. The transfer of De Gea is also a good decision, as the goalkeeper is a key to the success of the team.
The main problem of the club now is the lack of motivation. The players are tired of the struggle for the title, and they want to win gold medals. This is why the club has been losing points in the first rounds. This can be attributed to the fact that the team is not playing at its best.
However, the team has recently been playing better, and this is a great sign for the future. The club has a good chance to win a place in the Champions League zone, as it has a great lineup and a good coach.
Manchester United is definitely not a contender for the champion title, but it is still a real contender for a place at the top of the English Premier League.
Who will be the main favorites of the Champions?
The Red Devils are not a team that can be considered a favorite of the tournament, but they are definitely a contender. The main problem for the Mancunians is the fact they are not playing as a team. The coach has been trying to get the players to play as a unit, but the players are not ready to do this.
If the team manages to win, it will be very difficult for Manchester City to get a place into the Champions league zone. The Citizens are a team of a single star, and many of them are not able to play at their best. However the team still has a chance, because the previous season it managed to get into the playoffs.
In general, the MCC has a pretty good lineup, and if they managed to win in the tournament they will be able to show their maximum.
Will Manchester United be able win the Champions Cup?
It’s impossible to say that the Mcc will not be able, but this is not the first time that the club will be in the final of the European club tournament.
Many people expected the Red team to be able not only to get to the final, but to win it, too. However this is still not the case, as Manchester United lost to Barcelona in the previous round.
As a result, the final will be held on May 13, and we will see whether the team will be successful in the competition or not.
What are the main chances of the Muccs?
Barcelona is one of the main contenders for the victory, and Manchester City is also one of them. However it is not clear whether the Citizens will be ready to play in the finals of the competition.
Barça has a very good lineup and is a real favorite of all the tournaments. The Mancs have a good lineup too, but many players are injured, and some of them have not yet played for the season. This will be an additional problem for them.
Also, the main problem is the coach. Guardiola is not a good choice for the Champions, because he is not able yet to get his players to win.
Despite the fact, the Citizens are not the best team in the world, but if they manage to win one of these tournaments, then it will definitely be a great achievement for them, because they are a real underdog.
Main rivals of Manchester United in the fight for gold medals
The Manc is not an easy opponent for the Red, because it has the best lineup in the league. The squad of the Citizens has a number of players who are already in the top-6, and in the future they will have a chance to get higher positions.
Another problem for Manchester is the transfer ban of the players. This ban affects a lot, and even the best players of the league are not safe from the ban.
All this makes the Mucs a real threat to the rivals. The problem for United is that the squad of Jose Mourinho is not very strong, and there is a high probability that the players will not play at 100%.
However the M. Mourinho’s team has the potential to be a real force, because many of its players have already scored in the international arena.
So far, the Red have the best chances of winning the Champions cup, but there is still time for them to improve their situation.
Where can the Mnc win the title?
In the current season, Manchester United has a really good chance of winning gold medals, but not the main one.